Answered By: Mennie Ruth Viray Last Updated: Feb 24, 2022 Views: 495
Step 1. Log into your Animospace account.
Step 2. Select the course where you intend to create the assignment
Step 3. Once you've chosen/created your course, under the [Assignment] Dashboard, add an assignment by clicking on the [+Assignment] link found on the upper right side of the screen.
Step 4. Type in the details of the assignment on the spaces provided.
Step 5. Once you've provided the details of the assignment, change the assignment [Submission Type] to [Online] using the drop-down menu.
Step 6. Under the Online entry options, you may opt to tick [File Uploads] to allow students to upload their files from their device. The [Text Entry] option will enable students to [copy & paste] the whole text in an assigned box.
Step 7. Indicate the number of submission attempts that you will allow under the [Submission Attempts] tab. Select the [Unlimited] option to allow resubmission of assignments or drafts until the due date, thus, helping students to improve their work.
Step 8. Under the [Plagiarism Review] tab, select [Turnitin] from the drop-down menu. Depending on your preference, indicate whether to exclude [Bibliography] and/or [Quotes] in the generation of similarity report.
Please do not untick the checkbox before the [Index all submissions]. When a submission is indexed by Turnitin, it is made available for comparison in future submissions. An unticked checkbox will still return a Similarity Report, but the papers submitted to the course will not match against any future submissions.
Step 9. Still under the [Plagiarism Review] tab, indicate whether to show the similarity report to students and when.
Step 10. The following tabs are optional. You may indicate whether it is a group assignment under the [Group Assignment] and set the group categories by clicking [New Group Category]. You may also enable or require [Peer Review] - assigned or anonymously.
Step 11. Set the [Due Date]. You may also indicate to whom the assignment is required - to [Everyone] or a specific [Course Section]
Step 12. Select [Save & publish] to publish the assignment immediately. You may select [Save] to save the assignment and publish it later.
- Turnitin Originality has been integrated into AnimoSpace. It can be used on a course by course, assignment by assignment basis.
- With the Turnitin Originality, faculty are not required to create a class and enroll students individually.
- All faculty and enrolled students in AnimoSpace will automatically have Turnitin accounts. If you need assistance in setting up your AnimoSpace account, you may send an email to ASIST (
- Creation of Turnitin assignments, submission of student papers, and viewing similarity reports will now be done through AnimoSpace only.
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