Answered By: Mennie Ruth Viray
Last Updated: Dec 19, 2023     Views: 13153

Step 1:  Log in to AnimoSpace and select the course where you are required to submit a Turnitin assignment.

Step 2: From the [ASSIGNMENTS] tab, open your assignment. 


Step 3: Use the [Submit Assignment] button to start uploading your submission. 


Step 4: Click [Choose File] to select the file that you would like to submit. You may also submit documents from Google Drive and Office 365. Turnitin accepts the following file types: Microsoft Word® (DOC and DOCX), Corel WordPerfect®, HTML Adobe PostScript®, Plain text (TXT), Rich Text Format (RTF), Portable Document Format (PDF), OpenOffice (ODT),  Hangul (HWP),  Powerpoint (PPT), and Google Docs via Google Drive™. UPDATED NOTE: PAGES (Mac) format file is not yet recognized, we recommend converting it to PDF. 

Step 5: When you're done, read the End-User License Agreement and tick the checkbox near the [I agree to the tool's End-User License Agreement] if you agree.

Step 6: Select the [Submit to Turnitin] to upload your assignment.

Step 7: After uploading, wait for 3-5 minutes and refresh the page for the similarity report to appear. 



  1. Depending on your instructor's requirements, you may resubmit your revised paper until the due date. 
  2. Always keep a copy of the similarity report for future reference. 
  3. Should you need to delete previous submission, please email the Libraries at For more information, please check out this FAQ.
  4. All faculty and enrolled students in AnimoSpace will automatically have Turnitin accounts. If you need assistance in setting up your AnimoSpace account, you may send an email to ASIST (
  5. Creation of Turnitin assignments, submission of student papers, and viewing similarity reports will now be done through AnimoSpace only.

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