The Library Mobile App allow users to access information resources and online services of the DLSU Libraries using mobile devices.
Some of the available features include access to the following library services:
The Library Mobile App is available from the Ex Libris storefront on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
Follow the steps below on how to download the app.
1. Search the stores for “Ex Libris Library Mobile” to download the app. Additionally, see below for direct app links:
QR Codes that can be scanned from the user’s device can be saved and reused from the images below:
App store listing page:
2. Once downloaded; the App icon appears on the user’s device:
For first time users, the patron needs to search for their institution; type and select "De La Salle University" in the search field.
3. Select "De La Salle University Library" as profile.
4. Accept Terms of Use.
5. Sign-in using your DLSU Gmail account.
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