Q. Hi, I tried retrieving an academic article through this link, but it seems the full text is not available.. is there any other way for me to
Hi, I tried retrieving an academic article through this link, but it seems the full text is not available.. is there any other way for me to retrieve this journal? Appreciate your assistance as we need it for our class this coming friday. Thanks a lot!
http://0-ehis.ebscohost.com.lib1000.dlsu.edu.ph/eds/detail?vid=8&sid=3e48d760-fead-4bbf-b9d3-2c01c1f6b781%40sessionmgr113&hid=116&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edb&AN=17767284 Not sure if we have rights to view the whole text of the journal "New directions in risk management" by "Drzik, J.". How do I retrieve a copy?
We do not subscribe to Journal of Financial Econometrics that is why full-text is not available.
If you want, we can try to request it from other libraries. If they have supplied us the copy, a 3-pesos per page fee will be charged in your account.