Answered By: LORA Eclevia
Last Updated: Jun 18, 2014     Views: 187

Please be guided of our guidelines  for Document Delivery/Inter-Library Loan Request:

​1. Before making any DD/ILL request, requesting library/ies are advised to always consult the DLSU Libraries' online catalog ( and discovery search found at the Libraries’ website ( to check the availability/status of an item.

2. Only institutional requests shall be accepted for processing. The Libraries will only accept requests from individuals that have come through a library. (In your case, your request should have come through your librarian)

3. For any DD/ILL request, expect an acknowledgment from LORA (Library Online Reference Assistant) within 24 hours upon receipt of request, except during Sundays and holidays. Requests received outside of the Libraries' regular service hours will be attended to on the following business day.

4. For ILL request, circulation books may be borrowed for a maximum of three (3) days. Non-circulating materials are not included for inter-library loan.  Overdue fines may apply.

5. There will be a limit of three (3) volumes or five (5) e-articles per document delivery request per requesting library.

6. A minimum fee of Php3/page (e-article) and Php10/page (scanned article) will be charged to some libraries.  Additional charges (i.e. actual postage cost) may apply.

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