Answered By: Laurence Narvaez
Last Updated: Jun 18, 2014     Views: 125

For iPhone, iPad, and iTouch

1. Turn on your device and open the Safari web browser.

2. Go to and wait for the mobile website to load completely.

3. Tap the action icon at the bottom of the Safari screen and view the list of options.

4. Tap the "add to home screen" button.

5. The icon will appear on the last page of your homescreen.
    Tap the icon whenever you want to access the library's mobile website.

For Android devices

1. Turn on your android phone and open your phone's default browser.

2. Go to and wait for the mobile website to load completely.

3. Bookmark the website.

4. Open the list of your bookmarked pages.

5. Tap and hold the DLSU library website bookmark until the options menu appear.

6. Tap "add shortcut to homescreen".

7. The DLSU Libraries' icon will appear on the last page of your home screen.
    Tap the icon whenever you want to access the library's mobile website.

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